Orange County Playground Accident Attorney

Playground injuries occur at an alarming rate in the United States.  In fact, each year more than 200,000 children are treated in emergency departments for playground-related accidents.  In 2001, a leading medical study published in the journal Ambulatory Pediatrics found that the injuries caused by playground accidents caused a higher portion of severe injuries than bicycle or motor vehicle accidents in children aged five to nine.  Dozens of children suffer fatal playground accidents annually. If your child has experienced a playground injury, an Orange County playground accident lawyer can help.

The most common causes of serious playground injuries are strangulation and slips and falls.  The most common non-fatal playground injuries are severe bone fractures, internal injuries, dislocations, amputations, concussions and other head injuries.  Playground injuries can occur on residential playgrounds, school playgrounds and public parks and recreational areas. If your child has been seriously injured on a public playground, contact our Orange County personal injury attorney today.

What are the Causes of Playground Accidents?

  • Lack of Adequate Supervision – Playground injuries can occur when children are not properly supervised.  The National Program for Playground Safety maintains that supervision is the key to reducing playground injuries.  When children suffer injuries on the playground due to negligent supervision, those responsible can be held liable for resulting expenses, losses, and suffering.
  • Poorly Maintained Playground Equipment – Regular maintenance of playground equipment is essential in preventing playground accidents.  Sharp edges, dysfunctional equipment parts, slippery surfaces and other dangers of a poorly maintained playground can be responsible for serious playground injuries.  Those responsible for playground maintenance can be liable for injuries resulting from dangerous equipment and conditions.
  • Poorly Designed and Constructed Playground Facilities – The design of playground sites must be age-appropriate in order to prevent playground accident occurrences.  It is also important for proper fall surfacing to be used.  Since most serious playground accidents are the result of falls, rubberized or other soft ground cover is essential in playground areas to prevent serious injury.  Those responsible for poorly designing or constructing playground areas may be held responsible when children get hurt.

Playground injuries are unfortunately common and can range from minor cuts and bruises to more severe incidents such as broken bones, concussions, and even traumatic brain injuries. These injuries can occur due to faulty equipment, inadequate supervision, or unsafe play surfaces. Children might trip over uneven ground, fall from heights, or collide with one another during play. In some cases, playgrounds near busy streets can pose an added risk of a pedestrian accident, where a child could accidentally run into traffic. Ensuring proper maintenance of playground equipment, adequate supervision, and safe play areas can significantly reduce the risk of these injuries.

Contact an Orange County Playground Accident Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious playground injury, you may wish to consult with a qualified and experienced attorney.  Our team of qualified playground accident attorneys can scrupulously examine the details of your case to determine the best way to help you and your family receive the compensation you deserve.  Please contact our offices today for a free no-obligation legal consultation.