Ashleigh, Darren, Michael, and Wylie to Speak at 52nd Annual CAOC Convention.

Ashleigh, Darren, Michael, and Wylie to Speak at 52nd Annual CAOC Convention.  On November 14th, the 52nd Annual CAOC Convention will kick off at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco. Consumer Attorneys of California (CAOC) is a professional organization made up of nearly 3,000 attorneys who represent plaintiffs seeking accountability from those who do wrong. The convention offers a unique opportunity for the California legal community to organize for a weekend, and discuss the current issues effecting consumer law. Aitken Aitken & Cohn is among the honored attorneys given the opportunity to speak at the event. These presentations include Ashleigh Aitken who will speak in a Friday morning session called Trials By Error (In Hindsight,) created by the CAOC Women’s Caucus. The title of her presentation is Opening Roadblocks. At the same time, Darren Aitken and Michael Penn will be moderating “Mock Trial with the Masters,” a session sponsored by CourtCall, LLC. AA&C founder, Wylie Aitken will speak Saturday afternoon in the Masters Panel in a presentation titled “How to Respond to Your Opponent.” This three day convention offers the opportunity to both learn from fellow attorneys and spread the insights of the AA&C team. Good luck to Ashleigh, Michael, Darren and Wylie and all the other presenters at the convention!

For more information about CAOC and the 52nd Annual Convention, visit: