California Bicycle Helmet Laws

To wear a helmet or not to wear a helmet? That is the question that many bicyclists ask themselves on a regular basis. Whether you are new to the cycling world, are a veteran bicyclist, or a parent wondering how to keep your child safe, helmets are bound to come up in discussion fairly regularly…. read more

What are the 4 Types of Distractions When Driving?

Distracted driving is incredibly dangerous. Despite fairly stringent laws in California related to distracted driving, this type of behavior still causes plenty of accidents that lead to significant injuries and property damage. Here, we want to discuss the four types of distractions that drivers encounter on the roadway. It is important to understand these common… read more

Seatbelt Injuries in a Car Accident

If there is one mantra that we have all heard over and over again throughout the years, it is that seatbelts save lives. This is true, and we have plenty of statistics from independent and government sources that back this statement up. However, this does not necessarily mean that a person will walk away from… read more

$11 Million Settlement on Behalf of a Quadriplegic in Pool Accident

CASE DESCRIPTION:  On the early afternoon of August 26, 2019, Isaac L. joined his family for a barbeque and swimming at the pool within the HOA where his father had recently begun renting a condominium.  The rest of the family, including Isaac’s father, uncles, grandparents and cousins were already within the pool area when he… read more

$500,000 Settlement in Car v. Bicycle Case

CASE DESCRIPTION: On July 10, 2019 Patrick C. (age 59, at the time) was riding his bicycle on Hidden Hills Road near Stonewood Drive in the City of Yorba Linda, California.  Around 10:00 a.m., defendant, Taylor H. was traveling eastbound on Hidden Hills Road preparing to turn northbound onto Stonewood Circle in her 2003 Toyota… read more

$300,000 Settlement For Dog Bite Case

CASE DESCRIPTION: On July 11, 2019, Raito D. and his mother, Alma D., were at the family home of your insured, Sean C F. and his wife, Chang F. While Alma D. and Chang F. were in the kitchen talking, Alma heard the Chang’s dog, Yoshi, viciously bite Raito.  Raito suffered numerous injuries to his… read more

Questions for Car Accident Witnesses

If you or somebody you care about has ever been involved in a car accident, then you likely understand the importance of speaking to witnesses after the incident occurs. In order to determine liability for a car accident claim, insurance carriers and attorneys will use various types of evidence. Eyewitness statements are one type of… read more

How Does Comparative Negligence Affect a Personal Injury Case?

If you or somebody you care about sustains an injury caused by the actions of another individual, business, or entity, there is a good chance you will be able to recover compensation for your losses. However, securing this compensation can be challenging, particularly if the other party says you had a major part in the… read more

Differences between Traumatic Brain Injury and an Acquired Brain Injury

Any type of brain injury can be devastating for the victim. However, there are various types of brain injuries that can be challenging to properly understand. The phrases “traumatic brain injury” and “acquired brain injury” are used often. These two terms have different meanings and it’s important to understand what type of situation you may… read more

Common Delayed Injuries After a Car Accident

When most people think of vehicle accident injuries, they think of visibly traumatic ones such as broken arms, lacerations, contusions, etc. However, there are many injuries that can occur due to the mechanism of a vehicle accident that do not have immediate signs and symptoms. These types of delayed injuries can be particularly devastating because… read more