$1,250,000: Bike Accident Leads to Wrongful Death Settlement
September 29, 2010
CASE DESCRIPTION: Plaintiffs Christopher U. and Hayke C. filed a suit against the Defendant Ms. T’s employment for the wrongful death of their father Mr. U. The Defendant was operating her vehicle in the course and scope of employment at the time of the incident.
On May 14, 2008, the Plaintiffs’ father, age 65, set out from home, as he did most mornings, on his bicycle ride. Wearing a helmet, he was traveling his usual route, westbound on Los Altos Drive in Hacienda Heights, in the lane closest to the curb. At the time of the bike vs. car accident, Ms. T was driving a 2003 white Toyota Corolla on her way to work. She had been traveling east on Los Altos Drive in the lane closest to the center of the road. She was the third vehicle back from the limit line of the intersection and planning to make a left turn and travel north on Hacienda Boulevard. The two vehicles in front of her vehicle in the eastbound lane turned left onto northbound Hacienda Boulevard. Mr. U having the right of way, continued bicycling straight through the intersection. In spite of Mr. U having already entered the intersection, Ms. T failed to stay at or behind the limit line, and began making a left turn onto northbound Hacienda Boulevard causing her vehicle to collide with Mr.U on his bicycle. The force of the impact threw him off his bicycle, causing him to land on the pavement. Mr. U. passed away soon after being transported to Whittier Community Hospital. At the time of the collision Defendant was acting in the course and scope of employment.
RESULT: $1,250,000.00
TYPE OF CASE: Auto vs. Bicyclist, Wrongful Death
INJURIES: Wrongful Death
DATE & LOCATION OF INCIDENT: May 14, 2008, 7:00 A.M. Hacienda Blvd., north of Los Altos Drive, in the City of Hacienda Heights, County of Los Angeles, State of California.
PLAINTIFF’S AGE: 65 years old
PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEYS: DARREN O. AITKEN of AITKEN * AITKEN * COHN For Plaintiffs Christopher U. and Hayke C.
DEFENDANT’S ATTORNEYS: ROBERT HENKE of Law Offices of Patrick McDonough
If you think you have a case, contact our Orange County personal injury lawyers for a free consultation.