Chatsworth Metrolink Collision Litigation
July 15, 2011
On July 14, 2011, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Peter D. Lichtman announced awards for all Plaintiffs from the $200 million dollar Chatsworth Metrolink Collision limited settlement fund. Aitken * Aitken * Cohn attorneys Wylie A. Aitken, Esq. and Michael A. Penn, Esq represented 3 wrongful death plaintiffs involved in the litigation and served as board members of the Chatsworth Metrolink Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee (PSC). Wylie Aitken and Michael Penn also served on the PSC Legislative Subcommittee where they worked closely with bi-partisan members of the United States Congress in calling for Veolia Environment, the $50 billion French corporation responsible for the collision, to fully compensate the victims. Below are links to the official press release issued by the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee, a letter signed by the bi-partisan Congressional delegation seeking full contribution for the victims and the Judge Lichtman’s written decision.