Congratulations to Former Clients, Lindy Boone Michaelis and Ryan Corbin on Their Book Release!

We want to congratulate Lindy Boone Michaelis, mother of our former client Ryan Corbin represented by Chris & Wylie, for the release of her new book Heaven Hears, The True Story Of What Happened When Pat Boone Asked the World To Pray For His Grandson’s Survival. The description is as follows: On June 19, 2001, Ryan Corbin, grandson of Pat Boone, accidently stepped through a skylight and fell three stories onto a cement floor. When he broke through that roof, Ryan fell into a very different life from the one he had before as the beloved son of Lindy Boone Michaelis and first grandson of entertainment icon Pat Boone. As Ryan lingered between life and death in intensive care at UCLA Medical Center, Pat and Lindy decided to take action, in a big way; they went on Larry King Live, shared their faith, and asked millions of TV viewers to pray for Ryan. And so, they prayed. Heaven Hears is an unbelievable story of answered prayer—and it’s not over yet. This book will inspire you to look for answers to prayer and to see God’s miracles. The link to Lindy’s new book is here:

Lindy, Pat and Debby were recently featured on the Today Show which can be clicked on here: