Consumer Attorneys of California’s annual Justice Day
August 6, 2012
On April 30, 2012, Aitken * Aitken * Cohn attorneys Ashleigh Aitken and Casey Johnson traveled to Sacramento to participate in the Consumer Attorneys of California’s annual Justice Day, to advocate for access to justice and consumers’ rights. The two day event was attended by over 200 attorneys from all over California and included meetings with local legislators and their staff members to discuss pending legislation that impacts consumers’ rights and the importance of fully funding the judiciary. Pictured is the contingent that met with Assemblyman Jose Solorio, including Ashleigh and Casey. Justice Day events also included trainings, mixers and receptions, as well as a keynote address from Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome. Aitken * Aitken * Cohn founding partner Wylie A. Aitken is a Past President of CAOC (then known as the California Trial Lawyers Association), and to this day remains the youngest person ever elected as President of the statewide organization.