Judge Lon F. Hurwitz Knighted as 2013 CBA Judge of the Year at the Celtic Bar Association’s 13th Annual Samhain Eve Celebration.
November 12, 2013
The Celtic Bar’s 13th Annual Samhain Eve Celebration took place on Sunday, November 4th . Wylie and Bette Aitken graciously opened up their home again this year to host the event. The 2013 Judge of the Year award was presented to Orange County Superior Court Judge Lon F. Hurwitz. Judge Hurwitz was also knighted (without injury) during the ceremony. Guests enjoyed a delicious Celtic buffet dinner and live Irish music performed by Sligo Rags. Maintaining the Celtic culture and spirit, many attendees and guests donned traditional Celtic attire, most of which were representative of the individual’s ancestry.
“Samhain (pronounced “Sow’ en”) heralds the beginning of the Celtic New Year. As the days grow shorter, the season colder, and trees shed their leaves, the agricultural season comes to a close … and a beginning. For in the dark of winter, cold forces seeds to germinate in preparation for their spring emergence. In winter’s sleep, all the earth lies in wait for the light and the warm rays of spring–Imbolc to the Celts.” – Suzanne Barrett
The Celtic Bar Association of Orange County strives to promote camaraderie amongst membership, civility, and professionalism within the Orange County legal community, and a greater awareness of the Celtic culture and history, particularly its contribution to the law. The Celtic Bar Association meets on the third Tuesday of each month (except December) at Muldoon’s Irish Pub in Newport Beach. These meetings are renowned for their short duration (limited to five minutes) and are followed by an evening of socializing and great food and refreshment. For more information on the Celtic Bar Association of Orange County or the Annual Samhain Eve Celebration, please visit: http://celticbarassociation.org/index.html