Keep Your Family Safe During the Holidays With These Simple Tips

Keep Your Holidays Happy

The holiday season is in full force. Although the danger posed by candles placed in and around jack-o-lanterns or luminaries is fairly obvious, the beautiful decorations that mark the holidays are often fraught with dangers. By taking the following precautions, you can help reduce the danger posed to you and your family to ensure a happy and safe holiday season.

Christmas Trees

  • Select a fresh tree
  • Keep your tree away from heat sources (including heaters, space heaters and radiators)
  • Keep open flames away from your tree (including fireplaces and candles)
  • Decorate with UL approved, indoor tree lights

Outdoor Lights and Decorations

  • Only use lights and decorations approved for use outdoors
  • Use extension cords approved for outdoor use
  • Limit the number of strands connected per packaging instructions
  • Turn lights off when you leave your home or go to bed


  • Never leave a lit candle unattended
  • Blow out candles before leaving the room or going to bed at night
  • Keep lit candles away from curtains, furniture, pets, or anything else that might catch fire

Happy Holidays!