Megan Demshki Installed as the 2018-19 RCBA Barristers President
January 5, 2019
When it comes to the Inland Empire legal community, Megan is committed to making an impact! The Riverside County Bar Association has named Aitken Aitken Cohn attorney Megan Demshki the 2018-19 Barristers President.
The RCBA Barristers is the young and new lawyers division of the RCBA. Members of the Barristers are attorneys under the age of 37 or practicing within their first 7 years of practice in the Riverside or surrounding Inland Empire areas. As president of the RCBA Barristers, Megan will oversee all meetings, events, and overall aspects of the organization’s business.
Megan will also have a monthly article in the Riverside Lawyer Magazine, the official publication of the RCBA, where she will share stories from her own experiences, inform members of new changes in the law and upcoming Barristers events.
Megan was also installed as the 2019 Consumer Attorneys of the Inland Empire First Vice President. She serves as co-chair of the Riverside County Bar Association Civil Litigation Section, is on the board of the Janet Goeske Foundation, as well as the board of the Chapman University Alumni Association.
Megan has been employed with Aitken Aitken Cohn since 2013. She has been fundamental in securing several 7- and 8-figure settlements and verdicts. She specializes in serious personal injury, automobile accidents, and wrongful death cases.
Check out all of Megan’s previously published Barristers presidents’ messages below: