
Aitken * Aitken * Cohn Lawyers Win $23.5 Million Verdict

In a matter tried by Wylie, Chris and Casey at the Orange County Superior Court, a jury returned a verdict in Aitken * Aitken * Cohn’s client’s favor in the amount of $23.5 million. Fourteen year old Cade F. suffered a traumatic brain injury and has had more than 24 surgeries after the defendant ran a red light… read more

Truck Safety Update

The driver who lost control of an overloaded dump truck when its brakes malfunctioned on steep Nohl Ranch Road — resulting in the death of a Los Alamitos man and injuries to six other people — was recently told that he should be tried for gross vehicular manslaughter. Deputy District Attorney Michael Pear argued that… read more


Chris Aitken, Casey Johnson and Michael Penn were selected as “2007 Southern California Rising Stars” and will be featured in Los Angeles Magazine and Southern California Super Lawyers–Rising Stars Edition Magazine. Only the top 2.5 percent of Southern California lawyers received this distinction.


OCTLA “Is the Policy Open?” July 28, 2005 Rich Cohn LORMAN SEMINARS “Select Topics for Legal Staff” August 2005 Darren Aitken CONSUMER ATTORNEYS OF CALIFORNIA “What’s Your Point? The How To’s of Today’s State of the Art in Graphic Power Point Presentations” November 20, 2005 Wylie Aitken

Pocialik v. Southern California Grading Co., et al.

On February 5, 2001, the firm achieved a substantial verdict in a wrongful death jury trial in Orange County Superior Court.  The case, entitled Pocialik v. Southern California Grading Co., et al., was tried by the firm’s Senior Associate, Richard A. Cohn, over the course of an approximate two week time period. The case involved… read more

The True Story of the McDonald’s Coffee Case

How twelve everyday Americans decided Stella Liebeck’s case was not a joke. 79 year old Stella Liebeck of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was in the passenger seat of her grandson’s stopped car when she was severely burned by spilled McDonald’s coffee. Stella suffered 3rd-degree burns over 6% of her body, including her inner thighs, genitals, and… read more

Litgation Involving U.C.I.’s Willed Body & Liver Program

Aitken * Aitken * Cohn is currently representing a family in their wrongful death lawsuit against UCI Medical Center. This lawsuit revolves around the issues of medical malpractice and fraudulent concealment of facts resulting in the the death of a 55 year old wife and mother of two. On November 10, 2005 the Orange County… read more

Winter 2006 Newsletter

Aitken * Aitken * Cohn OVERCOMING ADVERSITY:   FORMER CLIENTS LIKE JOHN CHAVEZ CONSTANTLY REMIND US WHY WE REMAIN DEDICATED TO PERSEVERING ON THEIR BEHALF Our former client, John Chavez, was recently honored by the Golden West College Foundation at the school’s “Courtyard of Honor” ceremony.  At the ceremony, a bronzed plaque with John’s picture was… read more

Beyond Sept. 11th

Here are some of Wylie Aitken’s thoughts on the September 11 attacks that were printed in Rick Reiff’s column in the Orange County Business Journal on October 1, 2001: It was never in doubt that America, New York or Orange County would rise above the ashes and rubble of the World Trade Center. We can… read more

The Key To Future Success

Aitken * Aitken * Cohn handles litigation stemming from vehicle related injuries on a regular basis. For example, during the last few months, the firm has resolved cases involving the following fact patterns: A confidential settlement of a tragic case where a 72 year old gentleman was fatally injured while walking in a crosswalk near… read more