$1,000,000: Truck Slams into Rear End of Plaintiffs Vehicle on 1-15 Freeway
June 7, 2010
CASE DESCRIPTION: Plaintiffs John L, his wife Lucy L and brother-in-law Doug D were in John L’s Mercedes Benz CLK 320 traveling westbound on the I-15 freeway around 12:30 p.m. when traffic suddenly started to slow in front of them. Mr. L was driving and he noticed a large pick up truck bearing down on him very fast. The pick up truck struck his car from behind causing it to overturn and slide a great distance. Severe injuries to the plaintiffs resulted.
RESULT: $1,000,000.00 (John and Lucy L $965,000.00 and Doug D $35,000.00).
Mediated by Judge Thrasher with JAMS.
INJURIES: John L – Mr. L sustained the following physical injuries:
- Wound to left forearm resulting in scars and discomfort
- Deep wound to the left wrist resulting in surgeries for cleaning out wound, inserting wound vacuum, a temporary skin graft, and a permanent skin graft.
- Scars and “tattooing” on the right side of head affecting physical appearance
- Scars above right eyebrow affecting physical appearance
- Severed nerve above the right eye resulting in loss of sensation on the right side of scalp
- Bruising and damage to the left ankle resulting in ankle instability
- Area of left thigh were skin was taken for the skin graft on the wrist
Lucy L – Mrs. L suffered bruising on her abdomen, back, sternum area. Mrs. L also had a claim for the negligent infliction of emotional distress (Dillon v . Legg) and loss of consortium due to her husband’s injuries.
Doug D – sustained a severely bruised rib cage from the seat belt and bruising due to seat belt straps; as well as cuts on hand and legs from broken glass. Mr. D also endured mental stress when driving as a result of accident.
TYPE OF CASE: Personal Injury-Auto Accident
DATE & LOCATION OF INCIDENT: August 6, 2006, I-15 northbound. Unincorporated area of Riverside, County of Riverside, California
PLAINTIFF’S AGE: John L age 68; Lucy L age 66; Doug D age 67
OCCUPATION: John L – Stock Broker; Lucy L – Homemaker; Doug D – Retired School Teacher
Darren O. Aitken, Esq.
For Plaintiffs – John and Lucy L and Doug D
Stephen H. Smith, Esq.
Barbara S. Harper, Esq.
For Defendants – Doe Employee, Doe Employer