$250,000: Doctor Experiments With Surgical Technique Resulting In Disaster

CASE DESCRIPTION: A young woman went in for a breast reduction surgery.  Upon the doctor’s own initiative he used an unorthodox and untested technique during the surgery.  The plaintiff was disfigured due to the doctor’s actions and now has brought suit for medical malpractice.

RESULT:  $250,000.00 total settlement

Plaintiff had received breast reduction surgery from Defendant.  Defendant used an unorthodox and previously untested technique (central pedicle technique with placement of implants) to remove excess breast tissue without obtaining Plaintiff’s informed consent.  Subsequent to the surgery Plaintiff began to show signs of necrosis, infections and loss of nipple and severe disfigurement to her left breast.  Defendant failed to provide any timely treatment for Plaintiff’s necrotic and infected nipple and breast.  As a result she lost the left nipple and was left with extensive scarring.  Plaintiff required extensive medical treatment.

Plaintiff went on to contend that Defendant used unorthodox, untested surgical techniques that he had no experience or training in, and did not obtain Plaintiff’s informed consent to perform this essentially experimental technique.  Plaintiff further contends that Defendant interrupted the blood supply to the nipple in Plaintiff’s breast and did not schedule an appointment with 24 hours of the surgery so that corrective measures could have been taken.

TYPE OF CASE:  Medical Malpractice

INJURIES:  Necrosis, infection and loss of nipple and severe disfigurement to her left breast.

DATE & LOCATION OF INCIDENT:  On 7/2/04 in Huntington Beach, California.

PLAINTIFF’S AGE:  20 at time of the incident.


Richard A. Cohn
For Plaintiff – Jaclyn S.

Dennis Ames
For Defendant – Steven V., M.D. & Plastic Surgery Center of Huntington Beach