Pedestrians, Please Walk with Caution

A recent article in the Orange County Register highlighted an alarming revelation. The article titled “O.C. can be dangerous place for pedestrians” noted that between 2000 and 2009 Orange County lost 454 lives due to vehicles colliding with pedestrians. With the increasing use of cell phones by motorists, there could not be a better time to remind pedestrians to take caution when walking. Roadways, especially in metro areas like Orange County, are dangerous for pedestrians and motorists alike. To prevent a tragic accident, pedestrians should be aware of their surroundings, avoid walking while texting, and make sure to remain in the crosswalk when crossing a street. These rules seem to be fairly easy to follow but like so many of us, they can overlooked.

The above article was written in response to a recent study conducted by Transportation for America, a coalition of housing, business, environmental and public health groups and can be found here: At Aitken * Aitken * Cohn, we strive to provide information that can be used to protect you and your loved ones from tragic injuries due to the wrongful conduct of others, including those injuries suffered by pedestrians.

Atticus N. Wegman, Esq.