Verdicts and Settlements
May 14, 2012
$140,000: Complicated Scalp Laceration Caused by Falling Ladder
CASE DESCRIPTION: On the afternoon of Friday, March 18, 2011, Patrick R. was walking with friends, south of Figueroa Street towards LA Live in downtown Los Angeles. At around 1:30pm, Patrick and his friends stopped on the sidewalk at the northwest corner of Figueroa Street and Olympic Boulevard. They waited for the pedestrian traffic signal… read more
May 4, 2012
$375,000: Absence of Handrail Causes Spectator Fall From Bleachers
CASE DESCRIPTION: On or about August 7, 2010, Plaintiffs John E. and Evalyn E. were spectators at their son’s Swoosh Basketball sponsored basketball game in the gymnasium at Hope International University. At one point during the game an altercation erupted among several players. Immediately following the altercation, John got up from his seat in the… read more
April 13, 2012
$350,000: Drunk Driver Causes Freeway Crash
CASE DESCRIPTION: On January 29, 2011, Frank A. was driving he and his wife, Ana A., southbound in the number three lane on Interstate 605 in Norwalk in their 2005 Lincoln Town Car. In a fraction of a second, and without time to take any evasive maneuvers, the front of Frank’s vehicle was struck from… read more
April 4, 2012
$250,000: Policy Limit Settlement Reached For Auto Accident in LA Habra, CA
CASE DESCRIPTION: Robert S. was returning home from work in a sport-utility vehicle traveling East on Ocean Blvd. in Long Beach, CA. Robert was a passenger in the right rear seat of the vehicle being driven by a co-worker. As Robert’s vehicle approaches the intersection of Hermosa Ave., it began to slow. While slowing, and… read more
March 23, 2012
$150,000: Family of 3 Rear Ended by Freightliner Truck
CASE DESCRIPTION: On December 23, 2008 around 11:30 a.m., Charles R. was driving his 2007 Toyota Tacoma West on Bake Parkway in the city of Lake Forest, County of Orange, State of California, with his wife, Marly R. and their daughter Kelsey R., as passengers. The family was traveling westbound in the number two lane… read more
February 24, 2012
$790,549 Settlement for Woman Hit by High Speed Car
CASE DESCRIPTION: Janet was riding as a back seat passenger in a Toyota Corolla being driven by her friend. As the drive proceeded through a parking lot in La Habra, CA, Christopher J. failed to obey a stop sign and collided with the left side of Janet’s vehicle at a high rate of speed. Unfortunetly,… read more
February 2, 2012
$1,290,000: Railing Falls 14 Floors Striking Worker in Head
CASE DESCRIPTION: Darren M., a glazier foreman, was working on a seventh floor balcony of a new construction high rise building in downtown Los Angeles, when he was struck in the back of his helmeted head by a sixteen foot long 2×4. The impact rendered Darren unconscious for at least a minute. Investigation revealed that… read more
January 20, 2012
$130,000: 3 Year Old Girl Suffers Traumatic Dog Bite to Face
CASE DESCRIPTION: On January 11, 2010 at approximately 5:45 p.m. Gerardo G. and Elizabeth E. (parents of claimant, Elizabeth G., a minor) observed defendant, Tim V., approaching down the street with his dog, Cisco (a shepherd mix). Gerardo and Elizabeth were standing near the end of their driveway with their 3 year-old daughter, Claimant, Elizabeth… read more
January 9, 2012
$500,000: Boating Collision Causes Serious Injuries
CASE DESCRIPTION: Around July 18, 2009, at approximately 1:15 a.m. Rel V. was a passenger in a 1996 Novurania/Yacht Tender Dinghy owned and operated by Brad S. around Moonstone Cove, on Catalina Island. Suddenly the vessel struck a 1983 43’ Hen/Ketch vessel at anchor located within Moonstone Cove. The force of impact caused Rel to… read more
December 19, 2011
$250,000: Automobile Collision in Tustin Area Causes Serious Injuries to 75-Year-Old Passenger
CASE DESCRIPTION: Joy L., a passenger in the Defendant’s vehicle, brought a personal injury claim against the Defendant, Joseph M., for his failure to slow down as he approached stopped traffic; leading to a rear-end collision. On August 7, 2010 at around 1:50 p.m., 75-year-old Joy L. was a passenger in a vehicle being driven… read more